• Land O' Lakes, FL

    5105 School Road

  • Phone: 813.995.9040

    Fax: 813.996.6106

  • mail: school@fbclol.org

    Contact Us for more Info


Please do not begin an application before completing a campus tour/interview. To schedule, please call (813) 995-9040.

New Enrollment Flyer

Online Application

LOLCS only accepts the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship (FTC) funded by corporate tax donations (no government funding). We do NOT accept the Family Empowerment Scholarship (FES).

Registration Fee

The registration fee is to be paid when the application form is submitted (or re-enrollment request has been submitted via GradeLink).

Student Comprehensive Fee (SCF)

The student comprehensive covers the cost of most books and supplies, lab fees, testing materials and scoring, school yearbook, student accident insurance, and association fees. This fee is to be paid no later than August 10.

Capital Improvement Fee (CIF)

The $200 Capital Improvement Fee (CIF) paid annually by each school family in two installments, September 1 and February 1, enables the school to accomplish improvement projects. Families participating in any of the scheduled school work days (typically three or four scheduled per year) are able to ‘work off’ the $100 February CIF installment.

Tuition Payments

All tuition payments are due on the 10th of the month--beginning in August and ending in May. Students attending one or more days of any month will owe the full month’s tuition.

Tuition & Fees 2025-2026

Tuition Comparison Chart


Payment Options

  • Payment Option #1

    Credit card payment through Gradelink website

    This option will allow you to pay online using your credit/debit card (Visa, MC, Discover) through Gradelink. Convenience fees of 3% of the total amount will apply to each payment. Please indicate which invoices you are paying in the notes section. You can also set up AutoPay Plans within Gradelink using your credit card of choice.

  • Payment Option #2

    Check payment from your bank to LOLCS using your bank’s online bill pay feature

    This option allows you to send your payment directly from your bank to LOLCS via a bank issued check. For this option, follow the directions of your bank’s online bill pay feature. The check will need to be sent to LOLCS at 5105 School Rd., Land O’ Lakes, FL 34638. Enter the student’s name(s) for the account number. Checks need to be received by the 10th of the month. Please allow enough time for LOLCS to receive it in the mail from your bank. No fee from LOLCS for this option.

  • Payment Option #3

    Check payment to LOLCS via mail or dropped off at payment box

    This option allows you to pay via personal check by mailing your check or dropping it into the locked payment box located in the school office on the front counter. Please attach a payment slip or note in the memo line which invoices you are paying. Please note that cash payments larger than $25 can’t be accepted. Please make checks payable to LOLCS and using our address of 5105 School Rd., Land O' Lakes, FL 34638. No fee from LOLCS for this option.

  • Payment Option #4

    Credit card payment in the school office

    On a limited basis (please utilize option 1). This option allows you to pay in person within the school office via credit/debit card (Visa, MC, Discover). Credit card convenience fees of 3% will apply to each transaction.


Refund Policy

Application/re-enrollment fees (for new and returning students) are non-refundable. LOLCS has a selective enrollment policy. Students with significant academic or behavioral concerns or major doctrinal differences may not integrate well into our school program. If we determine this is the case, the application fee is fully refundable.

Delinquent Payments

A late fee of $20.00 will be charged if tuition is received after the 10th of the month. (Payments made after the 10th of the month are considered late.) Accounts, including tuition and before school care/extended-school-day charges, not paid by the end of the month may result in dismissal of the student from school until the account is brought up-to-date. (It may be possible for the parents to work out a payment plan with the school in order to avoid student dismissal.) Report cards will not be released at the end of the nine-week period if any account is in arrears. (This includes Extended School Day charges.) Student records cannot be transferred until all accounts are paid in full. LOLCS reserves the right to assign all delinquent accounts to a third-party agent/agency for collection and to file with the appropriate credit reporting agencies any balances uncollected beyond 90 days.

Returned Check Fee

There will be a fee of $20.00 for all returned checks.

Tuition Assistance

Financial Scholarship Opportunities Land O’ Lakes Christian School has two scholarship opportunities for qualifying students:

Step Up For Students (SUFS) and AAA Scholarship Foundation (AAA) are scholarship funding organizations providing private school tuition scholarship opportunities based on a family’s income. Land O’ Lakes Christian School’s participation in the SUFS and AAA program enables families to apply for a scholarship using the criteria set in place by each scholarship funding organization, and to be awarded a letter of acceptance, with renewal options each subsequent year. LOLCS only accepts the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship (FTC) funded by corporate tax donations (no government funding) from these two organizations. To learn more about the eligibility criteria set forth by SUFS go to www.stepupforstudents.org or call 1-877-735-7837. To learn more about the AAA Scholarship Foundation go to www.aaascholarships.org or call 1-888-707-2465.

LOLCS Scholarships are awarded based on financial need as determined by a third-party verification process through Tuition Aid Data Services (TADS). Interested participants are responsible for the application fee charged by TADS. The maximum amount of scholarships is not to exceed 25% of the tuition amount and is based on the funds actually available. The family is responsible for all other fees and costs associated with enrollment and school participation. Scholarship participants must reapply through TADS each school year. Interested applicants may visit www.sssandtadsfa.force.com/familyportal and complete the Financial Aid Assessment for further information.